A Christian Discipleship Experience

Centered is a discipleship series guiding small gathered communities to get deeply rooted in love with God and one another, so that we all may grow to look, act, and love more like Jesus. The experience includes an initial three-session training for group facilitators, followed by nine core sessions during which church members, neighbors, and friends gather to share a meal and grateful prayer; view two short films, discuss questions about God, belonging, and living a meaningful life; and support for each other in committing to intentionally follow Jesus and his Way of Love.
Note: Each session includes two videos. If your small group gathers on a digital platform, we encourage members to view the first video for each session before your meeting. If your small group gathers in-person, then watching both videos for each session together is best.

Session 1: Meeting Jesus and Each Other
Jesus – Who is Jesus Christ, why does he matter, and what’s love got to do with it?
Core Scripture: John 15:9
Host: Altagracia Perez-Bullard

Session 2: Meeting Jesus and Sharing Life in Small Groups
Small groups – Jesus gathered his disciples into a group of followers. We also flourish when we follow him as part of a small, intentional community where we experience belonging to God and to each other.
Core Scripture: Mark 3:13-14
Host: Zack Nyein

Session 3: Following Jesus as a Way of Life
Discipleship – We practice whole-life discipleship, that is, living and loving like Jesus in every part of our lives – not just on Sundays, but for our whole life long.
Core Scriptures: Matthew 22:36-40, Luke 18:22
Host: Ellie Singer

Session 4: Loving God Like Jesus Does
God – Jesus had an intimate, trusting relationship with God, his “Abba” (father) God, fostered through praying and turning again and again to God. We practice loving God by learning how God loves us and how God loves Jesus.
Core Scripture: Matthew 26:36-39
Host: Mildred Reyes

Session 5: Loving Neighbors and Strangers Like Jesus Does
Love neighbor – Jesus had a heart full of compassion for everyone he met, and that flowed out in healing, feeding, listening, humbly serving all, and seeking justice for the most vulnerable. We learn from him how to love neighbors and strangers alike through our words and deeds.
Core Scripture: Mark 6:34-36, 41-42
Host: James Tengatenga

Session 6: Loving Other Disciples Like Jesus Does
Love other disciples – Jesus loved his friends; washed their feet; and invited them to tend, respect, forgive, and ultimately LOVE one another. He shows us how to be in relationship and partnership with fellow disciples.
Core Scripture: John 13:2-5
Host: Isaiah Shaneequa Brokenleg

Session 7: Loving Ourselves Like Jesus Does
Love self – Jesus began his ministry hearing God proclaim him as “beloved.” Imagine if we saw and understood ourselves as beloved and honored our own and others’ belovedness?
Core Scriptures: Luke 3: 21-22, Matthew 11:28-30
Host: Ora Houston

Session 8: Creating a Sustainable Rule of Life
Rule of life – Following Jesus takes intentionality and practice (one reason why the words “disciple” and “discipline” are so close). That’s why we need an intentional pathway like a rule of life and a community with which to live it out.
Core Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30
Host: Sr. Madeleine Mary

Session 9: Looking and Acting Like Jesus – Together
Community covenant – We gather, covenant, and commit to support and bless each other in the power of the Spirit, not just for a program but for a season and even for life. This is the only way we can hope to live and love like Jesus in everyday life. What we do in small groups supports our faithful living as individuals, members of congregations, and members of society.
Core Scripture: John 14:15-17
Host: Frank Logue

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