A Christian Discipleship Experience

Tips and Resources
Take the Small Group Leadership Training Course
Before you begin, we encourage all who will be leading a Centered group to participate in this three-session training course. The course can be used by individuals or by groups of Centered leaders-in-training. The first two videos in the series provide an overview of small group best practices, while the third video features specific insights and tips for leading Centered. These trainings can be done in-person (recommended) and over a digital platform.
Watch a Webinar Introducing Centered
Want to dig a little deeper into what Centered: A Christian Discipleship Experience is and why it matters? Watch our Introducing Centered Webinar here.
Download Social Media and Promotional Items for Sharing Centered
Download social media graphics, suggested captions, and promotional flyers for your small group or congregation here. Feel free to add your congregation’s branding and information as needed.
Download the Full Group Leader and Participant Guidebooks
Each of the pertinent guides is available on the individual session pages, but you can also download the full guidebooks here.
Attend Monthly Support Huddles for Centered Leaders
We want to support leaders of this program, just as you are supporting your participants. Guided by the principles of The Way of Love and our Building Intentional Small Groups guidebook, these 90-minute calls, led by evangelism and discipleship leaders from the Presiding Bishop’s Office and beyond, will include best practices to apply in leading small groups, whether you are a veteran leader or are leading for the first time. You’ll find encouragement and companionship from leadership mentors throughout the church and a time of personal reflection and guided meditation to help us learn how to rest well to do good. The 90-minute Centered Huddles happen most second Wednesdays of the month. Register here.

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