Young Adult Ministry

Young adults (18-30 years old) enrich our communities with a variety of gifts, experiences and perspectives. The inclusion of young adults in the life of the church requires a sincere and intentional invitation, welcome, and inclusion.
Community & Empowerment
Young adults experience a variety of transitions and a community of faith creates an atmosphere of support during this stage of life. Out of this sense of community, young adults will seek ways to live out their Christian calling. We have an obligation to empower young adults in their life in Christ.
Mentoring Environments
The presence of young adults in our parishes provides them an opportunity to engage with God through the Episcopal tradition and experience. A mentoring parish recognizes, challenges, supports, inspires, and engages young adults in order to foster their faith. The prophetic voice of young adulthood can challenge the church to more fully live into its calling as the body of Christ.
Our Responsibility to Young Adults
We have allowed the language of Christian faith to be largely co-opted. We must impart the wealth and worth of the Christian story to young adults. We must engage a generation of young adults in honest and sophisticated conversation about God and the calling and worth of every human being. We must also equip young adults with the tools of our tradition for facing the tough ethical, moral, ecological, relational and religious challenges of the broader world.
Revised 2018 from the original document created in 2009