Bishops and Transition Ministers

“Cast Wide the Net” offers resources and tools to help supplement the normal diocesan processes for clergy discernment and transition. They consist of two basic types:
— Those to help female clergy achieve and live out their vocational call, including church leadership,
— Those to assist anyone involved with transition ministries, including congregations that are engaged in searches for clergy.
Since each diocese differs in its transition processes and in the resources it can offer locally, this site is intended to be a gathering place where resources can be contributed and shared, as well as new resources developed.
We hope that you will find Cast Wide the Net useful for your diocese, and will urge others to visit the site. If you have tools or resources that you think might be helpful to share more widely across the church, or if you have suggestions for resources that could be useful, contact the Rev. Meghan F. Froehlich, Director of the Office for Transition Ministry.
How to Remove Gender Bias From the Hiring Process
5 Reasons You Need a Female Pastor
Whither Thou Goest: Assessing the Current State of Seminaries and Seminarians in The Episcopal Church (CPG, 2017)
2015 Church Compensation Report
The State of the Clergy 2012
Called to Serve: A Study of Clergy Careers, Clergy Wellness, and Clergy Women (CPG, 2009)