An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church

Glossary of Terms

Anglican Opinion

A quarterly publication of the Episcopal Committee on Religion and Freedom, an affiliate of the Institute on Religion and Freedom. The Rev. David Apker began publishing Anglican Opinion in 1985 […]

Anglican School of Theology and Institute of Contemplative Studies, Dallas

In 1971 the Diocese of Dallas began the Diocesan Ordination Course to prepare candidates for ordination who could not pursue training in a full-time residential seminary. In 1975 it was […]

Anglican Theological Review (ATR)

A general theological journal serving the seminaries and colleges of the Episcopal Church by providing a forum where issues may be discussed with a view to deeper understanding. The ATR […]

Anglican World

1) Published by the Anglican Consultative Council, this bi-monthly periodical provides news for the Anglican Communion. 2) A different periodical named Anglican World began publication in Nov. 1960 by Church […]

Anglican, The

The first issue of this journal appeared at Easter 1945. It described itself as “A Quarterly News-Letter of the American Branch of the Anglican Society.” The last issue was Winter […]


This way of life is the system of doctrine, and approach to polity of Christians in communion with the See of Canterbury. The term derives from the word which, in […]

Anglo-Catholic Movement, Anglo-Catholicism

The Anglo-catholic movement was mainly inspired by the nineteenth-century Tractarian emphasis on the identity of Anglicanism with the catholic tradition of the church prior to the Reformation. It has placed […]

Anking, Missionary District of

On Oct. 11, 1910, the House of Bishops voted to divide the Missionary District of Hankow in China and create the Missionary District of Wuhu. The name was changed to […]

Anne and Joachim

(1 Sm 1:1-28). Samuel's parents Elkanah and Hannah had no child. Hannah went to the Temple and prayed for help, promising to dedicate her child to God. After Samuel was […]

Annunciation, The

The feast commemorating the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary that she would be the mother of God's Son, Jesus, and Mary's assent in faith to God's invitation (Lk […]


Sacramental use of oil as an outward sign of God's active presence for healing, initiation, or ordination. Anointing with oil by smearing or pouring may accompany prayers for healing (unction) […]

Anselm, St.

(1033-Apr. 21, 1109). Archbishop of Canterbury and theologian. Anselm is often called the father of Scholasticism and “the second Augustine.” He was born in Aosta, Piedmont, Italy, and took monastic […]


(801-Feb. 3, 865). Also known as Ansgar, which means “God's Spear,” he is known as the Apostle to the Scandinavians and as the Apostle of the North. Born in Corbie, […]


The liturgy of the word (Pro-anaphora) from the eucharist, without the Great Thanksgiving or communion of the people. Ante-Communion includes the first part of the eucharistic rite through the prayers […]


See Frontal.


Choral setting of sacred vocal music set to scriptural or liturgical texts, “or texts congruent with them.” (BCP, p. 14). “Anthem” is an Anglicized form of the word “antiphon.”

Anthon, Henry

(Mar. 11, 1795-Jan. 5, 1861). A founder of the Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge (1847) and one of the leading protesters against the ordination of Arthur […]


From the Greek anti, “against,” and nomos, “law,” the term is given to teaching opposed to the binding character of moral law. In Christian theology it denotes the doctrine that […]


A verse sung before and usually after a psalm, canticle, or hymn text. It is often drawn from scripture (especially the psalms) and is appropriate to the liturgical season or […]


Verse-by-verse alternation between groups of singers or readers for the singing or recitation of the Psalter. This alternation may be between choir and congregation, or between one side of the […]

2647 records

Glossary definitions provided courtesy of Church Publishing Incorporated, New York, NY,(All Rights reserved) from “An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, A User Friendly Reference for Episcopalians,” Don S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum, editors.