Partnership Offices

Partnership Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

As this office develops and nurtures relationships with Anglican, ecumenical, and interreligious partners in Latin America and the Caribbean, it also collaborates with The Episcopal Church’s Mission Personnel Office to develop new missionary placements and opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean, to support missionary discernment and training, and to ensure on-site pastoral support for missionaries in the field. The Partnership Office for Latin America and the Caribbean also works closely with the Office of Diversity, Social, and Environmental Ministries regarding issues of common concern in the Anglican Communion and The Episcopal Church.

Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America

Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil

La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico

Iglesia Anglicana del Cono Sur de America

The Church in the Province of the West Indies

The Rev. Glenda McQueen

Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean

The Rev. David Copley

Director, Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel