2022 UTO Grants Announced!
By Joyce Landers, Vice President of the United Thank Offering Board

With great excitement, the UTO Board has announced the 2022 grant recipients. We were very pleased that the Ingathering amount of $1,051,154.14 reflected an increase from the 2020 total. Because of your generosity and participation, we were able to fund 22 of the 42 applications we received. We decided to place a cap of $55,000 on applications with the stipulation that funds up to $100,00 could be requested if it was absolutely necessary. This change allowed us to fund more worthy projects while still supporting those projects that really need additional funds to fulfill their ministry. For a complete list of projects, please visit www.episcopalchurch.org/uto. The printed grants list should be available for order soon at Shima of Navajoland or you can pick up a copy at Convention.
The UTO Board thanks you for the generous gifts that you continue to send. As always, the work the UTO Board does could not happen without your participation and support. We need your help to spread the word about the importance of practicing gratitude and holding Ingatherings. The more funds we receive, the more projects we can support. Every year, we receive many more applications than we can fund. Although we celebrate with those we can fund, we are saddened by those we are unable to support. We are always looking for ways to increase the Ingathering totals. We have created many resources to assist you; find them at www.unitedthankoffering.org. Look for our upcoming webinars, too!