2023 UTO Grants Materials Now Available!
By Joyce Landers, Vice President of the United Thank Offering Board

The granting materials for the 2023 granting cycle are now available on our website. The UTO Board has decided to use Matthew 25:36 as the inspiration for our focus over the next three years: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” Therefore, the 2023 grant focus is as follows:
Innovative mission and ministry projects addressing all aspect of the worldwide incarceration crisis, specifically:
- preventative programs and intervention;
- prisoner support outreach;
- prison reform work;
- or post-prison re-entry.
When you visit our website, you will find all the forms needed to apply for a grant as well as supportive documents to help you write a successful application. The “helpful hints” page includes advice on writing a grant application as well as dates and links for our webinars. The webinars are your opportunity to ask questions and listen to board members explain what information we need from you. There are also sample budgets and timelines to illustrate the best ways to communicate your project details.
The UTO Board is very excited about the upcoming granting cycle as we believe that prison ministry has become more important than ever given the vast number of people who are incarcerated. We look forward to reading about your new ideas and ways that the Spirit is guiding us all to care for God’s beloved children.