Upcoming Grant Webinars and Deadlines
By Joyce Landers, Vice President of the United Thank Offering Board

We want to remind everyone to mark your calendars for the 2023 granting cycle. Please remember that you need to register to attend any webinar using the links found on the helpful hints page.
- Webinar: Jan.10 at noon and 7 p.m. EST
- Topic: Timeline and additional forms
- Webinar: Feb.14 at noon EST
- Topic: Open forum
We want to remind you of the deadlines that we have set for our UTO staff regarding grant application reviews.
- Feb. 24: Last day to receive a review of your application
- March 3: Last day to receive a review of your budget
- March 8: Last day to receive an application review for completeness.
Please remember that all applications are due by 5 p.m. EST on March 10. We highly recommend that everyone submit their application as soon as possible. The earlier you send us your application, the more assistance you will receive from our UTO staff officer. We also encourage everyone to communicate this information with your diocesan staff person in charge of overseeing UTO applications. Submitting your application to your diocesan office early does not guarantee that it will be sent to us early.
As always, we are committed to helping applicants be as successful as possible. Do not hesitate to ask questions. We look forward to seeing you in January!