Upcoming Grant Webinars and Deadlines
By Joyce Landers, Vice President of the United Thank Offering Board

We want to remind everyone of our upcoming deadlines. January 10 will be the last full set of webinars. They will cover the timeline page and other miscellaneous forms. As before, they will be held at noon and 7 p.m. EST; the link to register can be found on the helpful hints page. There will be an open webinar for questions only on Feb. 14 at noon EST, and you must register to attend that as well.
We strongly encourage all applicants to submit as early as possible. The last few weeks of the granting cycle becomes very busy for our staff officer, and we have established deadlines regarding how much assistance you may receive. February 24 is the last day you may receive a full review of a draft application. March 3 is the last day you may receive a review of your budget for out-of-criteria items. Wednesday, March 8 is the last day applications will be reviewed for completeness. All applications will be processed as received after that point. Please share these important dates with anyone who is applying, as well as your diocesan staff.
We ask for your patience as we read and evaluate the applications. Once we make our decisions, we send them to Executive Council to approve during their June meeting. Letters will be sent out as soon as we receive that approval.
Thank you for your support of UTO, and we hope that you will join us in promoting the important practice of gratitude. Remember that 100% of all contributions to the Ingathering go toward funding life-changing ministries in the U.S. and around the world.