Growing Gratitude
By Heather Melton, UTO Staff Officer

Our March newsletter is coming out right in the middle of Lent, when many of us are receiving a daily text message to help us practice gratitude for some of the overlooked things in our lives. For me, these daily reminders have really helped me think about so many things I take for granted. Our weekly book club is diving into “Thanks a Thousand,” which tells the story of one man’s desire to thank everyone who has contributed to his daily cup of coffee. It’s an easy and fun read if you’re interested in the topic. All of this focus on being more present has led me to recognize a couple of things—first, I use my phone too much and it is keeping me from noticing a lot of things that I’m thankful for; and second, that I am dependent upon so many people that I’ll never have the chance to know or thank.
This newsletter is filled with moments of gratitude that you might not notice. First off, I am super thankful to everyone who gives to UTO. Your generosity is changing the world in so many ways. Our Ingathering is beginning to stabilize after the pandemic, and that is thanks to you being committed to this work of gratitude, generosity, and granting. Second, the information in this newsletter is thanks to a lot of folks you might not know, from Patrick in the General Convention Office who makes sure we have a space at convention and is helping with the children’s program, to Candace and Scott in Communications who proofread and then turn my Word documents into an e-newsletter every month. I’m also thankful for Arlissa, April, and Joe, our team who handles all the donations to UTO. I’m also thankful for the Board who helps tremendously by writing, reviewing, checking math, and simply making sure we’re always staying true to our values and mission. Finally, and perhaps the greatest of unsung heroes, are my family. Often my husband is the one who stuffs acknowledgement cards, and my kids put the QR code stickers on your UTO Blue Boxes. There are many nights I’ve got a pile of work in front of me, and they make dinner and help out. UTO is definitely a team effort, and it is easy to forget all the folks who make it all happen. So, from the folks who print our materials, to the people who put a coin in a Blue Box, thank you for making this ministry so exceptional. We really couldn’t do it without you.
I hope you’ll take time this week to make sure you think about and give thanks for all the folks who make your life better; from your family and friends to the people who made your clothes, we are all connected through a web of support and gratitude. So thank you for all that you are and all that you contribute to making our world a better place.