3rd Annual UTO Virtual Training Day: May 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Eastern
By Sherri Dietrich, UTO Board President

We will be offering our annual training and inspiration day for UTO coordinators on May 18, so put it on your calendar now. The UTO Board is just beginning to put together the workshops for that day and we welcome your input so we can give you what you want and need to promote UTO in your parish, diocese, and personal life. We will offer workshops for those who are new to UTO, such as best financial practices and getting started with gratitude, as well as workshops for those who have been around UTO for a while, such as how to rekindle UTO in your parish/diocese, getting grant ideas, and UTO as outreach.
Is there a problem you’re dealing with? Did you come up with something that worked well? Do you just want to share ideas in a roundtable with other coordinators? Please contact Heather as soon as possible with your wants and suggestions so we can develop the best workshops to help us all promote UTO with confidence and enthusiasm.