Registration open for children’s program; applications accepted for youth and adult volunteers

Early registration is open for a dynamic children’s day camp at the 81st General Convention that will include hands-on projects, music, field trips, and other activities. Applications are also being accepted for volunteers and junior counselors for the program, which runs June 22-28 at the Hyatt Regency in Louisville, Kentucky.
Discounted registration—which runs through April 15—is $45 daily for the first child, $35 daily for each additional child in the same family. Regular registration—April 16 through May 24—costs $60 daily for the first child and $40 daily for each additional sibling. The discounted seven-day rate is $245.
Led by Sarah Petersen, director of Children’s Ministries at Saint Barnabas Episcopal Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, the day camp is open to children of clergy, convention deputies, staff, Episcopal Church Women convention deputies, and program volunteers. Children from birth through sixth grade are eligible.
“The General Convention Children’s Program is being re-imagined as the Waves of Gratitude Day Camp, offering children an engaging and formative experience through a full day of meaningful activities,” said Petersen, who is in her ninth year as children’s program director. “We’ll be practicing gratitude while creating art, exploring the science of water, and interacting on field trips and with visitors to the program.”
The program will partner with other Episcopal Church organizations, including the United Thank Offering, Good News Gardens, Episcopal Relief and Development, Godly Play, and more.
“This is a wonder-filled opportunity for kids to experience General Convention in a safe, fun, and formational environment,” Petersen said.
Young people ages 12-18 can apply to serve as junior counselors. The cost is $20 per day and includes snacks, lunch, field trips, training, and a T-shirt. Applications will be accepted through April 15. Learn more and apply.
Adults who have completed Safe Church, Safe Communities training within the last three years and are interested in volunteering for a minimum of three shifts can apply online here.
The Episcopal Church’s General Convention will be held at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville on June 23-28.
Click here to register. For additional information, email Petersen at