Browse by Diocese – E
Eastern Oregon
Follow the line of the Cascade mountain range in Oregon north to south, and you have the western boundary of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon. From there, the 69,000-square-mile diocese is bounded by Washington state to the north with a small detour to include Klickitat County, Washington, by Idaho to the east, and Nevada and California to the south.
El Camino Real
The Diocese of El Camino Real, California, stretches from Palo Alto in the north to Nipomo on the southern boundary of San Luis Obispo with Santa Barbara County. The diocese comprises the five counties of San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Monterey, and worship is in seven languages: Cantonese, English, Lakota, Laotian, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.