An Episcopal revival is a dedicated series of gatherings that combine inspiring worship, compelling teaching, honest faith-sharing, intensified prayer, and some form of engagement with the mission of God – all for the sake of the spiritual renewal and transformation of people and of society. We like the way Mark Labberton put it: “Revival can be a loaded word. But it almost always shows itself in two interconnected ways: personal experience of spiritual renewal marked by lament and hope, and social transformation marked by justice and righteousness.”
The Episcopal Revivals are not an end in and of themselves. The hope is that each revival will spark greater passion to be part of the Jesus Movement and to join in ministries of evangelism, reconciliation, care of creation, church planting, formation, youth outreach, justice in our local communities and beyond.
Each revival seeks to …
- Proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in the language of the people
- Share faith and open space for others’ stories about God
- Organize people to embody good news through reconciling action and justice
- Engage in intensified prayer and preparation before, during and after the “event”
- Gather a diverse body that crosses lines of age, race, culture and class
- Equip and send people to share, celebrate and embody the good news in daily life
How can I attend an Episcopal Revival?
Episcopal Revivals led by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry are scheduled throughout the coming year. Any individual or group is welcome to join these gatherings. Some diocesan host teams may provide travel and lodging recommendations; otherwise please stay tuned to this site and the links below for more information.
Upcoming Revivals
What comes after a revival? Download Living Revival: An Episcopal Revival Follow-Up Resource for Small Groups and Congregations. Available in English, Spanish, and French.
Is your diocese interested in learning more about hosting a revival?
You don’t need to wait for the Presiding Bishop or the Evangelism Team to help to organize a local or regional revival. Contact Jerusalem Greer, staff officer for Evangelism.
Episcopal Revivals are preceded by months of planning and training for local teams learning about evangelism and listening for the Spirit among their neighbors. Following the Revival, each community will follow through on plans to water the seeds the Spirit planted: hosting workshops and trainings, engaging in mission experiments, planting new churches, Mission Enterprise Zones or Jubilee Ministries; forming new global mission relationships with partners who teach us about evangelism and mutuality. The possibilities are endless.
From California to Georgia, Missouri to Honduras, Pittsburgh to New England, these gatherings will take on different shapes, depending on the hosting diocese(s) and the diverse contexts where we share the good news of Jesus Christ and welcome people into the Jesus Movement. Thanks to vibrant partnership between hosting dioceses, The Episcopal Church’s Evangelism Team and many more partners, we’ve organized a series of Revivals that do much more than fire people up. Take a look at previous Revivals here.