168极速赛车官方开奖历史记录查询(官方网站)-168赛车官网开奖记录查询结果-开奖结果直播计划网|幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录 Loving, Liberating, and Life-Giving.

Meet Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

“Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus” Easter Bible Study

Join the Episcopal Service Corps

Episcopal Revival at the 81st General Convention
‘Becoming Beloved Community’ 2024 grant recipients named
168极速赛车 - 168极速赛车官方开奖结果 - 开奖记录 Episcopal Church appoints Aaron Scott as first gender justice staff officer
Registration open for Young Adult and Campus Ministries leadership conference
‘Nuevo Amanecer’ conference celebrates Latino/Hispanic ministries, welcomes families
United Thank Offering: Over $1M awarded for projects welcoming ‘the stranger’
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s opening remarks to Executive Council
168极速赛车 - 168极速赛车官方开奖结果 - 开奖记录 Episcopal Church Executive Council: Opening remarks from the president of the House of Deputies
168极速赛车 - 168极速赛车官方开奖结果 - 开奖记录 Episcopal Church awards 2024 Young Adult and Campus Ministry grants
幸运飞行艇官方直播记录查询开奖结果-开奖记录结果 Featured Video: Traveling the Way of Love
2024年幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录-幸运飞行艇-168飞艇官方开奖结果最新版-幸运飞行艇官方开奖记录-168结果号码查询-幸运168飞艇开奖记录查询 In this episode of Traveling the Way of Love, we visit with the Rev. Elsa Marty, pastor at St. Lydia’s, a Lutheran congregation in Gowanus, a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Long associated with industrial buildings, warehouses, and a polluted canal, Gowanus has been undergoing rapid gentrification. All around, construction has been popping up as families and young professionals move to the neighborhood. It was in this setting that St. Lydia’s found itself, without a traditional church building but with a rented storefront space where neighbors – who may or may not ever walk through the red doors of a traditional church – could gather, hear God’s Word, pray, sing, and celebrate the sacraments.
Watch all of season 1 as we prepare to launch season 2 in the weeks ahead.
一分钟极速赛车168开奖官网开奖记录历史 What We Believe
The mission of The Episcopal Church, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer’s catechism, is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.” In step with that mission, we follow Jesus into loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with God, with each other, and with the earth.

Learn more about our ministries
The mission priorities and ministries of The 168极速赛车 - 168极速赛车官方开奖结果 - 开奖记录 Episcopal Church rise from the decisions of The General Convention, our governing body. The work of the church is carried out by our core ministries of evangelism, racial reconciliation, and creation care, along with the program ministries below. Learn more about each ministry by clicking below.
Learn more about our ministries
The mission priorities and ministries of The 168极速赛车 - 168极速赛车官方开奖结果 - 开奖记录 Episcopal Church rise from the decisions of The General Convention, our governing body. The work of the church is carried out by our core ministries of evangelism, racial reconciliation, and creation care, along with the program ministries below. Learn more about each ministry by clicking below.